Agape Presbyterian Church

by Computer Connections, Inc.



We welcome you to the Agape Presbyterian Church with a joy of love and a holy vision.Korean American Presbyterian Church(KAPC)It is a church belonging to the Presbytery in New York. The Korean American Presbyterian Church:- It is the church that sets up the kingdom of God.- The house and the church that God has set up is a heaven foretold in our land.- Loving Presbyterian Church makes it hard for family to become heaven.- Those healthy families gather to make the Heavenly Presbyterian Church in this land. The Korean American Presbyterian Church:- We do our best to save our soul and make disciples.- To teach and keep all the things that Jesus commanded.- According to what you have asked to be witnesses, we believe that mission and salvation are paramount. Korean American Presbyterian Church:- I want to be a church that praises God and is praised by the people, as in Acts 2:47.- I want to be a church that learns, obeys, and loves to obey Jesus with gentleness and humility.- I want to be a church and a church that will be one with knowing and believing in Jesus.